Grad Speech Spotlight - Leanne - Class of 1992.

The "I AM" School has given me so much. By giving me opportunities that I would not have had at another school; I found confidence in myself. Now, if I was asked to accomplish a task, I could do it.
While at the "I AM" School I discovered the importance of the quality Forgiveness.
Forgiveness is a word that I know I said in decrees, and heard in dictations and readings, but somehow skipped over it. I didn’t really think about it, and it was therefore just a word. Beloved Nada says:
“In the Use of the Violet Consuming Flame, with the Heart Center of Pink, you have within Its Purifying Action, always the Power of Forgiveness! The moment there comes a feeling within you, to send Forgiveness into a condition, the Unfed Flame in your Heart sends a Wave of Pink Light!"
The Voice of the "I AM" 1951:09:13
Thank You, Beloved Nada. I was so happy to find this reading because Forgiveness ceased to be just a word, It became a living picture each time I said "Forgiveness."
Beloved Mighty Helios tells us:
"The Forgiveness under the Action of the Cosmic Law to which we refer, is the Giving of God’s Perfection and the Power released, to remove something for something else; and when we give the Cosmic Fire from Our Octave, into your use, it is the Power you are to use, to sweep aside the human; and consume it, that Divine Perfection may come forth and bless you in the Fulfillment of the Divine Plan. So Forgiveness is not a sentimental thing. It is a very practical Reality. It is a very Definite Positive Use of the Cosmic Fire from Our Octave, to dissolve and consume all discord in yourselves! It is a Cosmic Power and a Gift of Love alone."
The Voice of the "I AM" 1949:04:7
Thank You, Beloved Helios.
Forgiveness is wonderful to experiment with. Life seems to give us so many opportunities! Beloved Saint Germain asked us to never enter sleep until forgiving every person who we ever felt injured us.
I thought I would try this out. Once I started, it was interesting how many incidences I recalled. I soon realized that if I remembered an instance, then I had not forgiven and forgotten.
Beloved Charity says:
"May I remind you of the necessity of forgiving yourselves as well as others?"
The Voice of the "I AM" 1944:11:44
Thank You for that reminder Beloved Charity.
For me, this was a little harder, but I found that Forgiveness, like everything else, gets easier with practice.
It is as if all Life’s wonders are kept safe in a delicate garden. Around this garden is a wall. Each person has the key to the door, and must choose to either enter or lock themselves out. This key is called Forgiveness.
If you are angry with someone, you can’t see the beauty within them. All you see is the brick wall. When you forgive the person, then you see flowers of Perfection.
A garden is not the wall surrounding it. It is the flowers inside; and the key to Life’s garden is Forgiveness.
The "I AM" School is a special garden. Each student comes into it for a while and then takes out to the world, a little of the treasures they found there.
"I AM" so grateful to my Beloved "Mighty I AM Presence" and to Beloved Saint Germain for this privilege. I will never forget my family at Beloved Saint Germain’s "I AM" School. I love you all.
Thank you.
Excerpt from her 1992 Graduation Speech.