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© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation
© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation

Placing the Mighty “I AM” Presence First

Grad Speech Spotlight - Emanuel - Class of 1996.

Thank you for the opportunity of talking to you here at the Brown Palace Hotel. This is the place where our Beloved Daddy, a few years ago, met Mister Rayborn.

I can never be grateful enough for the privilege of having been in Beloved Saint Germain’s ‘I AM’ School. This school establishes in our feeling world a habit of putting the Presence first and lets us grow in God's Miracle World, untouched by the doubts and fears of the outer world.

  It gives us the opportunity to become strengthened in the Light in a protected environment.

This school is a focus of Light from Beloved Saint Germain's own Heart.

In Volume Three, He reminds us that when one enters the pathway of Light, everything is stirred into action - good or bad - and unless the student consumes what comes to his attention, it will consume him. “I AM” Discourses, Volume 3: Discourse XXVI:301

Beloved Saint Germain put me into His School to learn, to practice and try and try and try to live the Ascended Master’s Way of Life. Indeed, I had many wonderful opportunities to prove the reality of my “Mighty I AM Presence.”

This last year was a year of great rejoicing, for there were plenty of opportunities to expand the Sacred Fire Love from the Great Central Sun. Believe me; there will come great Victory out of them, for in our School some people were strong enough in the Light, they stood and faced the screaming appearance world, turned to their “I AM" Presence and our Beloved Saint Germain, refused to have an opinion and poured out Love and Peace to all. Those people were the cornerstone of His Majesty’s School in times of trials. Every other person has been a stabilizing stone in the structure of the building when he/she poured out Love and Forgiveness to everyone.

Beloved Saint Germain says that whatever your attention is upon is your God for there is your Energy flowing and your Energy is your Life!  - The Voice of the “I AM” 1992:05:6

THE APPEARANCE WORLD HAS NO POWER is what I had to learn this year. I looked at the Chart of the “Beloved Mighty ‘I AM’ Presence,” and I felt strongly that behind every seeming cloud, the sun is shining. 

Beloved Saint Germain once said: Every condition or experience in this world exists only that we turn our attention back to our “Mighty I Am Presence”- Whom knows me better than me, Whom knows the cause and effect of the things in my life; Whom knows what I need most to be happy and victorious at all times and Whom can give me the things I need.

At those times, a feeling of gratitude swept over me. Looking back at those clouds, strengthened by this wonderful consciousness, I remembered that there is only One Authority. There is only One Intelligence. There is only One Reality, One Life, One Love; and that is the “Mighty I AM Presence” everywhere present.

Every time there’s something threatening us, whether it be an unkind word of criticism, or a difficulty of any kind, our only responsibility is to pour out Love and Blessing into that situation.

It is our responsibility to Life to set It free from any negative quality. It is our responsibility to the "Mighty I AM Presence” in the other person to visualize the whole condition in a Mighty Violet Sun Presence that the Light may come through.

May God Bless, Protect and Guide you all safely through your lives.

Excerpt from his 1996 Graduation Speech.

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