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© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation
© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation

“I AM” the Victory of America’s God Constitution!

Updated: Sep 19, 2024

September 17, 2024 marks the 237th Anniversary of our God-Given Constitution of the United States of America. Let us join the Blessed "I AM" Students of Chicago and call for the Herculean Sacred Fire Protection of America's God Constitution as never before!

Where: "I AM Temple of Chicago When: September 13-15, 2024

“The hour is at hand, when those who want the Constructive Way of Life, must stand together as a Solid Wall of Light, to defend our Constitution of the United States with all we have.  We, who live in America are today the beneficiaries of that, which the early patriots and pioneers gave their Lives to preserve for us.  It is now our duty to preserve for our children, the priceless Gifts of Freedom and Happiness which others won for us.”   The Voice of the “I AM” 1936.7:25

“When you call forth the Herculean Sacred Fire Protection­ for your Nation to protect all Purity within the Land, you give Us added assistance and then, uncountable Legions of the Sacred Fire can come within your borders anywhere and everywhere anything constructive is taking place or is to be sustained! I assure you, when the Mighty Saint Germain gave the Constitution to the United States of America and the Declaration of Independence, these Mighty Gifts of Life's Perfection are not to be destroyed or cast aside or used by the sinister force to destroy this Nation!”

Beloved Elohim Hercules - The Voice of the “I AM” 2016:09:7

"The attention of our early patriots was held with very great determination on the Ideals of Freedom from taxation­; and the desire to worship their Source as they chose. Their attention was upon Divine Justice and Freedom. They held it so powerfully upon their Ideal, that Life was compelled to give them the Protection necessary to bring that Ideal forth into physical fulfillment. They gave their all, to provide those conditions for us. Will you do as much for the generations yet to come?

When I said the other evening that the viciousness and destructive plans of individuals and groups in the United States of America which has already mortgaged the lives of three generations yet to come, wants now to mortgage the life and body of every human being in the United States of America - you should take your cue before it is too late!

No human being, nor group of them in all of the humanity of earth, have any right under any law - Divine or human - to own nor control the minds and bodies and energy of three generations yet to come. Life owns your bodies and your minds and your energy--not the destructive intent of depraved human beings who have not understood the Great Law of Life enough to give It obedience, that they might have Happiness, permanently sustained. All destructive individuals and forces are both ignorant of the purpose of their own existence and viciously rebellious against Obedience to the Divine Law and Constructive Plans of the Universe. We as American citizens have no right to sell our children and our children's children into slavery; for the Law of Our Land forbids that!

Do you think there could be any such thing as Protection to you under the authority of such individuals? Then please awaken and give your ALL now, in your call to the Presence, the "Mighty I AM" and the Ascended Masters, that those individuals be removed from our country completely and unconditionally; that all authority be withdrawn from them in whichever channels they are acting, and that they be replaced by those intelligent, fearless, strong, honest, determined people of the Light to hold the Freedom of Life and the Divine Justice of the Law of Balance, above everything in the physical world."

Radio Broadcast - The Voice of the “I AM” 1940:07:31

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