Junior Mathematics
Continuous individual assessment occurs throughout the grade school years which allows the student to progress at his/her highest potential. This begins when the child enters the school during his/her trial period, depending on previous learning.
Junior Math is a very hands on subject at the "I AM" School, integrated into as many subjects as possible including Science, Language Arts and even Art. This helps the student see and understand the practical application of Math.
Besides utilizing the Abeka and Saxon math text books, we also integrate Montessori and Steiner methods to increase absorption and attention. We often use brain games, fun quizzes and competitions to challenge and engage students. Ask any "I AM" School student - math in grade school is FUN!
We begin with basic math concepts such as times tables, multiplication, addition, subtraction, percentage, word problems, fractions, graphs, scale drawings, statistics, mental math, metric & English (imperial) measurement systems, money (business transactions, tax, etc.). They also learn introduction to basic algebra and geometry concepts.
In middle school we prepare students for high school math, however often times we have students beginning or completing algebra and geometry.
We believe that building their confidence in math is so imperative for their learning throughout high school and on to college. Confidence in math flows through into other subjects, instilling a love of learning.