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© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation

Everything Begins with that
Word, "I AM"

Beloved Godfre

Apr 24, 1962

"If you'll hold the picture of that Word "I AM" within the Heart Flame of the individual's life, ...put that Word "I AM" in the middle, and then outside of that the Double Triangle of Mighty Victory's Victory, - you are the Great Central Sun's Life here at this point in the Universe announcing your Victory."


When you think of, or say, or feel the Word "I AM," or you speak It, try to remember that is the "Mighty I AM Presence" in the Great Central Sun, in the Physical Sun, and in you - your own Life Stream. It is the Life from the Great Central Sun acknowledging, or rather announcing, Its Existence here. Its Command here, Its Control here, and Its Perfection here. Now, if you put this first, this is the obedience to the first commandment.

In anything you want, if you'll hold the picture of that Word "I AM" within the Heart Flame of the individual's life, and in that Heart Flame is the Unfed Flame, put that Word "I AM" in the middle, and then outside of that the Double Triangle of Mighty Victory's Victory, - you are the Great Central Sun's Life here at this point in the Universe announcing your Victory.

"Anchor your attention upon the Picture long enough to let your "Presence" and us fulfill It."

Now, we are going to just keep you so reminded of holding these Pictures that it will anchor your attention upon the Picture long enough to let your "Presence" and us fulfill It until It becomes a thing manifested in your outer use.

Now, supposing you want the Violet Consuming Flame in action, in and around you, to purify the outer self, to forgive all human creation, to release the Divine Mercy in your feeling that lets go of human creation.


Suppose you want this Violet Consuming Flame in and around you, with all of Its Myriad Blessings to be continually anchored in and around - continually active and expanding.

When you see the Word "I AM" within that Sun of Violet Flame, or the Flame as It's rushing up through you, "I AM" Violet Flame, comes second, Victory. Or "I AM" Victory, and then the Violet Flame enfolding.


But, if you put that Word "I AM" in the middle, then hold the Picture of the Violet Flame and the Victory around that, you have no idea, while the mind is seeing that Picture and acknowledging the activity of the Violet Consuming Flame, you have no idea, My Dear Ones, what your "Presence" and We can anchor into the energy of your emotional body.

“You have no idea how important it is to hold this Picture within the mind.”

Now, you have no idea how important it is to hold this Picture within the mind, and then when you give your decrees and acknowledge: "'I AM' Mighty Victory's Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Victory Manifest," -  The “I AM” - you hold that first, you see the Violet Consuming Flame or the Unfed Flame, the Sevenfold Flame of the Seven Mighty Elohim, and all held within Beloved Mighty Victory's Double Triangle of Victory, you are going to have to have Victory.

And if you'll do that, I'll do My part.

You Must Acknowledge the Word "I Am" First

You must acknowledge the Word "I AM" first, you must have the Sacred Fire's Love of Life in order to produce any kind of manifestation that is constructive. And if you want Mighty Victory's Victory, you're going to have to say that; you're going to have to see the Double Triangle of His Victory.

Now, it's not difficult. There's nothing difficult about It to see the Word "I AM" or think It or speak It.

There's nothing difficult about seeing the Violet Flame, pouring your Love to It and commanding It - asking for It to blaze in and around you.

              There's nothing difficult about seeing Mighty Victory's Double Triangle of Victory surrounding everything that you call forth.

Now, the purpose of Our constantly reminding you to hold the Picture and govern the feeling is because through the attention the energy of your life, your life in the outer self, jumps from this, to that, to something else all the time in the outer. The intellect doesn't keep Its attention steadily on something unless there is some demanding necessity of Life that forces your attention to stay there until certain manifestation take place.

It simply takes your Love to the Word "I AM," your Love to the Violet Flame, your Love to Mighty Victory's Victory manifest to let your "Mighty I AM Presence" and Higher Mental Body pour in and through you the Life that goes into the Picture that becomes the thing manifested, and nothing was ever brought into creation in existence any other way but just that way.

"When your own feelings are disturbed, awaken to what it is"

But when your own feelings are disturbed, awaken to what it is that is trying to rob you of the Perfection of your "Presence."

And so when you begin to feel discord, remind the outer self that feeling does not come from the "Presence." You know that. Then the moment you awaken to the fact that you're feeling discord, immediately call to your Beloved "I AM" - send your Love there, and demand Its complete release of the Sword of Blue Flame into that feeling, and you command: "'I AM' the annihilation of all human feeling in my world," and your "Presence" will blaze the Flame that annihilates it.

But you must issue the command, because something that you have done has opened the door of your feeling to let the outer world feeling come in and connect with you. Beloved Godfre, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Apr 25,1962 - CD 860

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